About Me

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I'm Rui Branco

E o que é isso de ser o Rui Branco?

Above all is being curious.

It's wanting to learn that drives me, and then realising how best to apply what I learn.

In a relationship for 22 years, father of two teenagers, and to complete the family... three dogs.
I've done a lot of things, but the common thread has always been to understand why we do what we do, and this can take different forms.

It was as an adult that I decided to study psychology. Since then I've been studying and doing the necessary training to become a psychologist.

Cédula OPP 133095 | Psicólogo Estagiário

Why Sports?

For the richness of the experiences, the emotions, the possibility of improving at every training session, every game, every competition.

Some situations at the beginning of my life made me confront the challenges of transcending ourselves and our limitations.

I played sport as a child, teenager and adult. Basketball, swimming, table tennis, handball and karate were the ones I practised in a club context. I also practised dog agility for a few years, a very fun and demanding sport. Recreationally, I run, swim and go to the gym.

Ever since I was a kid, I've looked up to athletes as references for overcoming obstacles. I wanted to be like them, to have the resilience, determination and willpower needed to look at life with the confidence that we can do it. But for some reason I always saw myself more as the intelligent kid who liked to read, who got good grades, fragile and with little or no athlete's physique. But I wanted to be like them. I focused on my studies and got my first degree in architecture, a field in which I worked for a few years, but something wasn't right.
My first daughter was born and I entered a period where I wondered if I could ever tell her to follow her dreams if I wasn't following mine. It wasn't an easy time for me, but above all for the people around me who saw me as lost.
I became more interested in psychology and sport. I started running, something I hadn't done before. I started meditating.
Little by little I began to look at psychology in the context of sports.
I felt that action, something that is a basic condition in sport, was something I lacked. I wanted to learn more about it, I wanted to be close to it.
I got closer, without a definite plan at first, but I was on my way, I started to see other possibilities. I took the basketball coaching qualification and began to see a path. It became clearer, and I did the necessary training to be here today.

Today, I believe that psychology in the context of sport has a lot to offer everyone involved, just as it did for me.

My Training

Bachelor in Psychology 

Master in Clinical Psychology 

Post-Grad in Sport Psychology  

Treinador Grau 1 de Basquetebol

Another curiosity about me

In 2013 I started Podcasting, driven by the curiosity I mentioned before. Here are my main podcasts, all in portuguese.

Falar Criativo

My first podcast about creativity, but it's about the person, above all, their paths and their motivations to do what they do.

Ousar Ser

In 2014, together with my friend Rossana Appolloni, I started Ousar Ser, a podcast about personal development and human relations.


I'll be starting a new podcast in 2024...

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Private Security Training

Sollicitudin eros nulla mus donec a quisque convallis integer condimentum volutpat felis sed aliquet netus dolor dictumst pellentesque egestas varius magna senectus.

My Masters Degree Thesis

Thesis Defence held on 21 December 2023, with the Theme "Socio-emotional Determinants of Athletic Identity in Adolescence".
